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BBC research reveals 50,000 Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine | BBC News

A BBC investigation suggests more than 50000 Russian soldiers have died in the war in Ukraine. Resea ...View More

Ukraine frontline: exhaustion of war in battle-weary town | BBC News

Two years on from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, citizens living near the entrenched frontline are di ...View More

Two killed in Bangladesh as fighting rages on Myanmar border

Bangladeshis gather at the site where mortar shells fired from Myanmar during clashes landed across  ...View More

Scene at Bangladesh-Myanmar border following fighting that kills two

At least two people were killed in Bangladesh Monday after mortar shells fired from Myanmar during c ...View More

Woman dies as Myanmar junta shells Karen village

Woman dies as Myanmar junta shells Karen village ----------------------------------------- မဇ္ဈိမကို ...View More

North Korea fires artillery shells towards South's border island | BBC News

North Korea has fired more than 200 rounds of artillery shells off its west coast, towards the South ...View More

China: Artillery shells from restive Myanmar region hit southwest China town I WION Originals

Artillery shells from restive Myanmar region hit southwest China town. Five people in a Chinese town ...View More

Artillery shells from restive Myanmar region hit Chinese town

China has sent warnings to Myanmar's warring parties after cross-border shelling wounded five people ...View More

Clashes after mob attacks chief minister's house in India's Manipur

Police forces fire tear gas shells to thwart a mob after it tried to storm the home of the chief min ...View More